The GIPF continuously strives to engage, maintain, strengthen and foster a trust-based and transparent relationship with all its stakeholders in a collaborative manner, that promotes excellent service and creates long term value.
As a leading defined-benefit pension fund, we engage with a variety of stakeholders, including Fund members, employees, public officials, the regulator (NAMFISA), business partners, the media, our suppliers and the general public.
At GIPF our primary focus is towards the future security and prosperity of our members and the better good of our people, planet and society. We understand the needs and expectations of our members, being to receive benefits as promised in the rules of the Fund; to receive a pension on retirement which has grown commensurate with past service contributions built up for each retiree; to receive growth in pensions in excess of the Consumer Price Index (CPI); and to have their dependants cared for in the event of early death, illhealth or disability.
Our integrated corporate communications and marketing strategy is directly linked to the high-level strategy of the GIPF with the express purpose of providing an excellent service through positive and professional interactions with our members and stakeholders in a manner that is right, fast and humane.
The strategy is supplemented by stakeholder engagement, marketing, and member outreach and retention plans that are developed annually in consultation with the relevant business units.
Identifying our key stakeholders
Our key stakeholders are mapped, classified and prioritised by using the stakeholder analysis matrix guide below. The analysis assists the Fund to better align its strategic initiatives and objectives to those of its stakeholders.
This process also allows the Fund to identify how to coordinate engagement with each stakeholder and determine which stakeholders should be given priority in the engagement plan.
Engaging our key stakeholders
We recognise that there is significant diversity within each stakeholder group, with individual stakeholders often having divergent interests. The priority interests are broadly indicative of each stakeholder group’s priorities based on an assessment of our continuing engagements with them. Furthermore, we carefully review the associated impacts on the capitals to identify the most effective trade-offs to ensure that the Fund reach its shared goals in a sustainable manner.